Welcome to my Arduino site. Today I formally released my first two libraries for Arduino: TinyGPS and NewSoftSerial.
Mikal Hart
Welcome to my Arduino site. Today I formally released my first two libraries for Arduino: TinyGPS and NewSoftSerial.
Mikal Hart
Dan P
15 years ago
I have been using your TinyGPS. It is great and very easy to use. Thank you.
I want to make one modification and was wondering if you could give me some direction on where to make the code change.
I want the lat and long in 100000ths of a degree instead of the 10000ths of a degree that is currently provided.
Please help.
15 years ago
Dan, thanks for the feedback. NMEA data provides accuracy of up to 1/10000th of a minute, which is obviously much smaller than 1/10000th of a degree. It wasn’t my intent to lose any data. I’ll look into this. Thanks for bringing it to my attention.