Browsing All Posts published on »September, 2013«

TinyGPS++: A New View of Global Positioning

September 7, 2013


Announcing TinyGPS++ Today we’re happy to announce TinyGPS++, a completely new rethinking of TinyGPS, our popular Arduino NMEA (GPS) parsing library. NMEA defines how most GPS receivers talk. When GPS is properly connected to a host controller like Arduino, it sends a never-ending stream of characters, grouped into human-readable clumps called “sentences”: $GPRMC,045103.000,A,3014.1984,N,09749.2872,W,0.67,161.46,030913,,,A*7C $GPGGA,045104.000,3014.1985,N,09749.2873,W,1,09,1.2,211.6,M,-22.5,M,,0000*62 Obviously, […]

Greater Accuracy with TinyGPS 13

September 1, 2013


TinyGPS 13 has been released. This latest revision improves the algorithm used to transform the raw NMEA latitude and longitude values into floating-point numbers representing decimal degrees. You may not have noticed any problem, but prior versions of TinyGPS generated values that were accurate to only about 5 decimal digits, or about 1 meter. Version […]