Browsing All Posts published on »May, 2009«

Direct Port I/O in NewSoftSerial 9

May 21, 2009


NewSoftSerial 9 is now available.  This is a major new release that replaces all the performance path pin reads and writes with direct Port I/O. What does that give you?  Well, a couple of things.  Most importantly, it makes NewSoftSerial more compatible with the latest Arduino release.  Changes to timings of digitalRead and digitalWrite in […]

New NewSoftSerial coming

May 2, 2009


Changes in the timing of digitalRead and digitalWrite on 0015 have degraded NewSoftSerial’s and AFSoftSerial’s performance on this platform. If you need software serial at higher baud rates, I recommend you stick with 0014 — at least until NewSoftSerial 9 comes out. The good news is that version 9 has been optimized heavily and it […]