
A Library to Ease Accessing Flash-based (PROGMEM) Data

Storing static program data in flash/PROGMEM is a tricky part of Arduino programming. To save precious RAM, a novice user already at odds with unfamiliar C++ syntax must digest such daunting concepts as prog_char, PSTR(), PROGMEM, pgm_read_word(), etc. Even seasoned users get tripped up by the indirection and typecasting that are required to retrieve valid PROGMEM data. Add to that a couple of apparent bugs in the implementation, and it’s clear that PROGMEM is a complicated mess.

I have written a new library, Flash, which abstracts away most of this complexity. It provides new String, Array, Table, and String Array types that make ROM-based data collections as easy to use as “normal” types. Each overrides the C++ [] operator, so to extract individual elements one uses familiar array access syntax:

// float array example
float t = temperatures[950];

// (2D) font table example
digitalWrite(pin[i], font_table['a'][i]);
// string example
for (int i=0; i<str.length(); ++i)
  if (str[i] == ';') break;

Download and Installation

To install this library, download here, unzip the archive into the Arduino “libraries” folder, and restart Arduino. You should rename the folder “Flash”, because the IDE doesn’t like dashes in the name.

Creating named Flash objects

To create a Flash object, you use a library-provided macro. Each of the four basic types provides its own creation macro:

Strings: FLASH_STRING(name, value)
Arrays: FLASH_ARRAY(type, name, list of values…)
Tables: FLASH_TABLE(type, name, columns, values…)
String Arrays: FLASH_STRING_ARRAY(name, values…)


FLASH_STRING(big_string, "Moreover, as you might appreciate, "
    "their implications were such as to provoke a certain "
    "degree of sorrow within me. Indeed - why should I not "
    "admit it? - at that moment, my heart was breaking.");
FLASH_ARRAY(float, temperatures, 23.1, 23.1, 23.2, 23.2, 23.4,
    23.7, 25.0, 26.0, 26.8, 28.8, 30.2, 31.9, 33.1, 33.1, 33.2,
    33.2, 33.4, 33.7, 35.0, 36.0, 36.8, 38.8, 40.2, 41.9);
FLASH_TABLE(boolean, font_table, 7, {0,0,0,0,0,0,0},
    {0,0,0,1,0,1,1}, {1,0,1,1,1,0,1}, {1,1,0,0,0,0,0},
    {0,1,0,1,0,1,0}, {1,0,1,1,1,0,1}, {1,0,0,1,0,0,1},
    {0,0,1,1,0,1,1}, {1,0,1,1,1,1,1});
FLASH_STRING_ARRAY(digits, PSTR("Zero"), PSTR("One"),
    PSTR("Two"), PSTR("Three"), PSTR("Four"), PSTR("Five"),
    PSTR("Six"), PSTR("Seven"), PSTR("Eight"), PSTR("Nine"));

[Note that you can make Arrays and Tables out of any native type.]

[Note also that the String Array is a slightly special case. For technical reasons, as you can see in the example, each member of the array initializer must be wrapped with the PSTR() operator. For this reason, String Arrays cannot be declared at global scope, but must be non-statically defined within in the body of a function. Note also that while the individual strings in a String Array are contained in PROGMEM space, the array itself (again, for technical reasons) is RAM-based, consuming 2 bytes per array element. This limitation does not apply to the other Flash types.]

Using named Flash objects

Array-like access. Each Flash type provides an [] operator to get access to the underlying data, for example:

    // extract an element from an Array
    float t = temperatures[5];
    // examine characters in a String
    for (int i=0; i      if (big_string[i] == 'O') ++big_O_counter;
    // Use a font table to configure a 7-segment display
    for (int i=0; i      digitalWrite(pins[i], font_table[1][i]);
    // Examine the sizes of strings in a String Array
    for (int i=0; i      Serial.println(digits[i].length());

Since Tables are really just two-dimensional arrays, the Table object’s implementation of [] returns a one-dimensional Array object.

Size. Each Flash type provides a mechanism for determining its size:

String and String Array: size_t length();
Array: size_t count();
Table: size_t rows(); size_t cols();

Access. If you need it, each Flash object provides an access() method that returns the underlying PROGMEM pointer

Print compatibility. Each Flash object has a print() method that can be used to serialize the object to any stream derived from core class Print (HardwareSerial, NewSoftSerial, LiquidCrystal, Ethernet, PString, etc.) See “Printing Flash objects” below.

String copy. Flash String objects may be copied in whole or part to RAM using the String object’s copy method:

    // copies the first 10 characters of the big_string
    char temp[11];
    big_string.copy(temp, 10);

Printing Flash objects

Each Flash object can “print” itself, using either its print method directly:


or, equivalently, by using the << streaming operator:

    Serial << temperatures;
    lcd << big_string;
    softserial << font_table;

Library Version

You can retrieve the version of the Flash library by inspecting FLASH_LIBRARY_VERSION.



The latest version of Flash is available here: Flash5.zip

Change Log

  1. initial version
  2. moved some code to a new .cpp file to avoid inlining every member function
  3. fixed a bug in the copy() method


Thanks to forum user Bill W. (“westfw”) for testing Flash and observing that Strings take up a surprising amount of extra PROGMEM space (20 bytes per string). I used his data to modify the library so that some of the commonly used functions, notably the _FLASH_STRING constructor are not inlined. This change reduces the footprint of the example programs noticeably. Thanks, Bill!

I appreciate any suggestions or input.

Mikal Hart

Page last updated on January 30, 2014 at 9:41 pm
252 Responses → “Flash”

  1. Mikal

    11 years ago


    If your library requires you to use a print that takes a “char *” as an argument, I think you will have to load the PROGMEM string into memory before you can print it. If none of the strings is too large, you may be able to simply use code like this (without using Flash at all):

    char temp[80]; // Make sure no string is bigger than 80
    strcpy_P(temp, labela_textos[1]);
    print(temp, X1, Y1);

    Does that make sense?

  2. Fernando Garcia

    11 years ago

    Thanks for the reply.

    I’ve tried this way but the result is this:


    Any more suggestions?

    Best regards.

  3. João

    11 years ago

    Hello. Thanks for your works it is really helpfull!
    I’m having some trouble to do an client.println(string) with your library, even with print.h patched. Can you help me?

    (string) is mt FLASH_STRING(name, value);

  4. Mikal

    11 years ago


    Can you try name.println(client); ?

  5. p0g0

    11 years ago


    I’ve used your Flash library with good success until recently, when my application would no longer compile due to Flash library errors. Your examples fail in a similar fashion.

    I am now attempting to compile the Flash V4 example, flash_example.pde, under Arduino 1.0.1 for the Mega (1280). When line 21 tries to “#include “, the compiler throws this error: “/usr/share/arduino/libraries/Flash/Flash.h:68:23: error: ‘prog_char’ does not name a type”. Derivative errors then propogate from undefined arrays and the like, but they all appear to be rooted in this first error. Please let me know if you want the full list of errors. The streaming example fails in the same fashion. My avr-libc is version 1:1.8.0-3, and the gcc-avr version is 1:4.7.2-2



  6. Mikal

    11 years ago

    Hmmm. Thanks, p0g0. I need to check on that!

  7. Frank Mertens

    11 years ago

    Hi Mikal,

    I’m new to Arduino… learning every day…
    I’m doing an aquarium automation project with an lcd.
    Recently I fell into the “String concatenation” pitfall, which I managed to solve by using your PString library in a function that takes care of this.
    Thanks for that…
    Now I wanted to move my fixed String arrays to flash so I don’t get in trouble again when adding languages later.
    When I declare the String array as:
    void Stringdeclaration() {
    FLASH_STRING_ARRAY (Day, PSTR(“Monday”), PSTR(“Tuesday”), PSTR(“Wednesday”), PSTR(“Thursday”), PSTR(“Friday”), PSTR(“Saturday”), PSTR(“Sunday”));
    void setup() {
    I assumed I did it as described in your notes (inside a function with PSTR).
    However, I got a compiler error: ‘Day’ was not declared in this scope.
    The only way I got it working was declaring it ‘normally’ without the function and removing the PSTR operator. But I think this way everything stays in RAM, I’m not sure.
    All other combinations I have tried failed…
    Can you give me some more info so I can get this working, and hopefully even understand why…

  8. Mikal

    11 years ago

    @Frank Mertens,

    The declaration has to be in the same function that you use it in. In other words, delete the Stringdeclaration() function and move the declaration of “Day” directly into setup():

    void setup() {
    FLASH_STRING_ARRAY (Day, PSTR(“Monday”), PSTR(“Tuesday”), PSTR(“Wednesday”), PSTR(“Thursday”), PSTR(“Friday”), PSTR(“Saturday”), PSTR(“Sunday”));

  9. Sparks

    11 years ago

    Mikal, I have added the Flash library to my sketch. I am using the FLASH_STRING_ARRAY. I declare it inside the function where I use it:

    void example(PString &m_data) {
    PSTR(“string 0\n”),
    PSTR(“string 1\n”),
    PSTR(“string 2\n”),
    PSTR(“string 3”));
    I nevertheless see warnings in the compilers verbose reporting output: “warning: only initialized variables can be placed into program memory area”.
    What have I missed ? Thanks for your advice !

  10. Mikal

    11 years ago

    Hi Sparks,

    I believe we determined that that warning is a gcc compiler error. Anyway, we just ignore it, as unpleasant as that is.

  11. Sparks

    11 years ago

    OK, thanks for your advice.

  12. Stuart Galloway

    11 years ago

    This program gives weird errors.
    I get the right answer if I print to serial.
    I keep getting the zeroth array member if if dont print to serial!


    #define ODD 1
    #define EVEN 0
    #define DRY 1
    #define WET 0
    #define RAIN 1
    #define FINE 0
    #define V1 1
    #define V2 2
    #define V3 8
    #define V4 16

    FLASH_TABLE(int, sprinkler, 6 /* width of table */,

    void setup() {
    int tm,t1,t2;
    for (int i = 0; i<4; i++){
    t1 =sprinkler[i][0];
    t2 = sprinkler[i][1];
    tm =t1*60 + t2;


    t1 =sprinkler[i][0];
    t2 = sprinkler[i][1];
    tm =t1*60 + t2;


    void loop(){

  13. Jose M

    11 years ago

    Congratulations. Your library has been really useful for me. It allowed me to free precious ram space in a complex sketch.

  14. Chen

    11 years ago

    I’m using your Flash Library which is working very nicely in the example code that ships with the lib. But I’m having problems when trying to integrate it in my sketch. Mainly – passing FLASH_TABLE pointes and iterating those objects in the function.

    I browsed the prev comments here and noticed that other people inquired about this in the past. Can you please provide a formal example of how to send one of (let’s say) 3 int based FLASH_TABLEs to a function and iterate the two dimensional pointer inside that function?


  15. kburndred

    11 years ago

    I am using arduino due, I keep getting a compilation error when I try to comile the example BlinkLED. The compiler complains that it can’t find pgmspace.h. Do you have any suggestions. I am using the latest arduino IDE (1.5.2) with support for the due.

  16. Colin

    11 years ago

    Hello Mikal,
    My software compiles and works well apart from it crashing after about 5 days. I am not saying it is your code but there are warnings “warning: comparison between signed and unsigned integer expressions”. in flash.h line 75. Isn’t size_t supposed to be an unsigned integer? I see you assign and compare signed integers.


  17. chethan

    11 years ago

    here i am trying to copy string array elements to a char array but i am unable to do that, what’s the problem in this program
    char buffer[20];

    void setup(){
    FLASH_STRING_ARRAY(places, PSTR(“SBM bank ATM”), PSTR(“Nandini Parlour”), PSTR(“Nandini Layout”), PSTR(“Nandini Layout Park”));
    for(int j = 0; j < places.count(); j++){
    places.copy(buffer, places[j]);
    memset(buffer, '', sizeof(buffer));

    void loop(){

  18. Giovanni

    11 years ago

    Hi Mikal.

    If I want to only read data, how is it possible?

    Thank you

  19. Mikal

    11 years ago

    Hi Chen,

    Try this as an example:

    FLASH_TABLE(int, table, 3, {1,2,3}, {4,5,6}, {7,8,9});
    void myfunc(_FLASH_TABLE<int> &tab)
      for (int i=0; i<tab.rows(); ++i)
        for (int j=0; j<tab.cols(); ++j)
    void setup() {

  20. Mikal

    11 years ago

    @kbrundred, yeah, sorry, Flash was designed with AVR architecture in mind. It’s probably not so important with the Due, as RAM constraints are not too tight.

  21. Mikal

    11 years ago


    It looks like your double quotes have been corrupted (by MSWord? to decorative quotes. Also the copy line should be:


  22. Mikal

    11 years ago

    @Giovanni, yep, that’s the whole point of the Flash library–putting read-only data into flash so that it doesn’t occupy RAM unnecessarily.

  23. Chris Mears

    11 years ago


    I am trying to use your excellent library as I am running short of RAM in a large sketch.

    I have a function called UpdateThingSpeak defined as below

    void UpdateThingSpeak(int PumpOnOff,char StatusText[])

    For simplicitys sake I have made each string its own Flash String as so

    FLASH_STRING(Panels_are_too_hot, “Panels are too hot. Pump(s) on”);
    FLASH_STRING(Tropical_mode_active, “Tropical mode active. Pump(s) on”);
    FLASH_STRING(Hot_water_available, “Hot water available. Pumping”);
    FLASH_STRING(Its_very_cold, “It’s very cold. Protect pipes”);
    FLASH_STRING(Pumping_to_stop_pipes, “Pumping to stop pipes bursting”);
    FLASH_STRING(Freezing_point, “Freezing point. Pump(s) off”);
    FLASH_STRING(Collecting_heat, “Collecting heat. Pump(s) off”);
    FLASH_STRING(Waiting_to_pump, “Winter mode. Waiting to pump”);
    FLASH_STRING(Winter_mode_Pumping, “Winter mode. Pumping”);
    FLASH_STRING(Pump_test_mode, “Pump test mode. Pump(s) on”);

    When I try to pass the String to the UpdateThingSpeak function I get

    cannot convert’_FLASH_STRING’ to char* for argument ‘2’ to ‘void UpdateThingSpeak(int, char*)’

    I see the problem, I am converting whatever PROGMEM holds the string as to a char[] string. I just don’t know how to overcome it.

    Please can you suggest something

  24. Stephen M.

    11 years ago

    issue appears it does not recognize the #include as when the complier sees:

    FLASH_ARRAY(unsigned long, arrayHtime,1000,2000,3000,50000,60000);

    I get an error of “expected primary expression before ‘unsigned’ and the complier did not make the FLASH_ARRAY highlighted in orange as all other primary commands are???
    Help please

  25. Mikal

    11 years ago

    Hi Chris–

    What you’ll want to do is rewrite UpdateThingSpeak to take a _FLASH_STRING & instead of a char []:

    void UpdateThingSpeak(int PumpOnOff, _FLASH_STRING &StatusText)

  26. Mikal

    11 years ago

    @Stephen M,

    I think you must not have installed the Flash library in the arduino\libraries folder correctly. When I run this, it works fine:

    #include <Flash.h>
    void setup() {
      FLASH_ARRAY(unsigned long, arrayHtime,1000,2000,3000,50000,60000);
      for (int i=0; i<arrayHtime.count(); ++i)
    void loop() {

  27. Renato

    11 years ago

    I’m new to Arduino and i’m trying to use your library, but something is not clear to me:

    Is it possible to write to my table?


    FLASH_TABLE(int, alarm_table, 4,

    and then:

    alarm_table[0][0] = 1;

    to write to this table?

  28. Mikal

    11 years ago


    Unfortunately, the answer is no. The flash memory is read-only (except at programming time of course). Too bad!

  29. Perry

    11 years ago

    I built a simple flow meter for a friend using an arduino uno. I found the syntax for the project on “jaycar” website. It works fine counting and totaling the liters of fluid. The only problem is, if you get a power cycle, the data is reset to zero on the display. I am trying to keep track of the amount of liters left in a tank so I need the data to stay in memory until reset manually. If it is lost on a power cycle, you cannot recover.
    I am a PLC programmer. It is easy with a PLC, you just store the data from the counter in an upper non volatile register address where it remains indefinitely until reset. I just started looking at this c++ programming (it is very cumbersome and confusing). Is there an easy way to keep the data?

  30. Mikal

    11 years ago


    Hi, yeah, flash memory is not really what you want for this application, since flash memory is (effectively) read-only. What I suggest you do is look at writing your fluid counter into EEPROM each time it changes. EEPROM is a non-volatile read/write memory. For help on the EEPROM library, which is built in to the Arduino distribution, Google +EEPROM +Arduino.

  31. john

    11 years ago

    Hey, I like the library but the performance is very poor for ethernet client stream as it sends only 1 character at a time. This creates a packet for every character! Here is a change I made to flash.cpp to provide a small buffer. Now speed is excellent.

    #include “Flash.h”

    #define FLASHBUFSIZ 300
    char flashbuf[FLASHBUFSIZ + 1];

    _FLASH_STRING::_FLASH_STRING(const prog_char *arr) :

    void _FLASH_STRING::print(Print &stream) const
    size_t i=0;
    size_t l= strnlen_P(_arr,64000);

    while(true) {
    if (l > FLASHBUFSIZ) {
    memcpy_P(flashbuf,_arr + i,FLASHBUFSIZ);
    flashbuf[FLASHBUFSIZ] = 0;
    else {
    memcpy_P(flashbuf,_arr + i,l);
    flashbuf[l] = 0;

  32. Mikal

    11 years ago


    Thanks very much for that. I’m sure Ethernet users will find this patch enormously useful.

  33. Alexander Benjamin

    11 years ago


    is there a way to write to a string array at run time.

    What I need is to store strings into array that user types into serial terminal.

    All together user will be able to input 24 strings.

    Would really appreciate your advice.



  34. Mikal

    11 years ago

    @Alexander Benjamin,

    Alas, no. Flash is for read-only data.

  35. Alessio

    11 years ago

    Hi Mikal,

    are you in mind to adapt Flash library to new Arduino Due?


  36. Mikal

    11 years ago


    I would like to do that, but honestly it’s pretty far down my priority stack. I haven’t had much use for Due development. Is anyone interested in taking that task on?

  37. Cristi

    11 years ago

    Hello Mikal!
    I use your Flash library and I experience the following trouble:
    char Stepdsp;
    int Stpdspindex;
    void setup(){
    I receive this error messagge : “Cannot convert ‘_FLASH_STRING’ to ‘char’ in assignment.
    Please tell me how to solve this situation!
    Best regards

  38. Mikal

    11 years ago


    Almost there…

    Since Step[Stpdspindex] is a flash string and not a char, what you want is

    Stepdsp = Step[Stpdspindex][0];

  39. michael_x

    11 years ago

    I read
    >> a small patch to the core Print.h file. See “Patching Print.h” below

    but did not find what I expected on this page.
    Patch still required for Arduino 1.0.5 ?


  40. Mikal

    10 years ago

    Hi michael_x,

    Unfortunately, this feature doesn’t work with Arduino 1+. You have to use the object.print(Serial) technique. I’ll change that mistake. Thanks.

  41. Trinh Dinh Chung

    10 years ago

    Hi Mikal,
    I’m new to Arduino,my project’s : read tags RFID and save on arduino,then send to orther device,but i don’t know where is data will storage on arduino , i want save tag’s ID ex 0004083312 , please help me, tks you

  42. Mikal

    10 years ago


    If you are looking to store dynamically acquired data, you’ll probably want to use the EEPROM library. EEPROM is a read/write medium, but the Flash memory is read-only.

  43. RAFA

    10 years ago

    I am using many arrays in the Arduino sketch and exhausted the RAM.
    I’m trying to implement this solution but I think I have a problem with the lib .. the program does not recognize the variables. I’ve done include lib and did not work.
    can you help me?

  44. Mikal

    10 years ago


    I would need many more details to solve this problem…

  45. RAFA

    10 years ago

    For example, in the code below the program returns me errors when compiling.

    #include <flash.h>
    int x = 0;
    void setup(){
      FLASH_ARRAY(int, value, 1, 2, 2, 5, 6, 7, 10);
    void loop(){
      x = value[1];


    flash.ino: In function ‘void setup()’:
    flash:6: error: expected primary-expression before ‘int’
    flash:6: error: ‘value’ was not declared in this scope
    flash:6: error: ‘FLASH_ARRAY’ was not declared in this scope
    flash.ino: In function ‘void loop()’:
    flash:10: error: ‘value’ was not declared in this scope

    I think that is because the compiler is not recognizing the lib

  46. Mikal

    10 years ago


    Make sure the flash library is correctly installed, and move the FLASH_ARRAY line outside the setup() function, i.e up one line.

  47. mihai

    10 years ago

    How remove data from flash of arduino mega after I wrote in it?
    The flash remaining written after power of, right?
    Many thanks

  48. Mikal

    10 years ago


    Upload a new empty sketch. That will erase the existing flash.

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