NewSoftSerial 10 is available for testing. There are a number of fun new features to play with, including support for 20MHz processors and Arduino siblings like the Teensy and Teensy++. I’ve also added a destructor (and an end()) so that you can employ temporary NewSoftSerial objects, for example:
if (need_to_check_GPS) { NewSoftSerial gpsconn(6, 3); ... } // Object is destroyed/cleaned up here
Another useful new feature is the support for serial devices which use inverted TTL signalling — where “HIGH” is 0 and “LOW” 1. To enable automatic inversion, simply provide a boolean “true” as the third parameter in the constructor:
NewSoftSerial nssinv(3, 2, true); //uses inverted signalling
Could someone please test? I don’t have any inverse logic devices.
Many thanks to Garrett Mace and Paul Stoffregen for their contributions!
Update: Please upgrade to version 10c. 10b was a defective posting.
15 years ago
Thank you for this library. I tested inverted signaling with couple old Matrix orbital displays. They seem to work fine. I have some minor hickup when immedeatly after initialicing connection I send clear display code to Matrox. First attempt does not work as expected so I need to do it twice to succeed. After that it works as advertised. Tried with some delays but no efect. Might be my or some funny early bits traveling wrong way around on initial transmit?
15 years ago
Hey, thank you very much for testing the inverse signaling! You’re using TX only? Hmm…. I’ll check to see if I can find any “smoking gun” for that init problem. Thanks again!
15 years ago
Yes, thats correct, I did only test TX.
15 years ago
You could always use the 7404 hex inverter chip to invert the signals for testing purposes…
Btw nice reverse geocache project, I built one on the weekend I’m going to give it to my partner for valentines day.
I actually considered implementing a low voltage cut off on there and a small solar panel to recharge the battery. I also wrote a configuration mode where you enter a 4 digit pin and it will open the box or close it depending on what pin it is, as for a double backup in case of component failure I may expose the servo cables so I can generate a pwm and open it manually! good ideas with the scary messages!